Marciano is commonly remembered as a swarmer due to his use of constant pressure in the ring,but he has also been called a slugger and a brawler; he was essentially all three. A late starter in the sport with little training and a short amateur career, he lacked the skills and finesse of most heavyweight champions, but he made up for it in brute force and raw power. Early in his career, he was notorious for his punching power, holding 11 first-round knockouts to his name. As the opposition got better, Marciano relied on his incredible stamina, relentlessness, and ability to fight rough and swarm on the inside to get him through fights just as much as the power. He sometimes went entire fights being pummeled by opponents such as Jersey Joe Walcott, Ezzard Charles, and Archie Moore, but came on strong as his opponent faded. He was also noted for hitting his opposition on their arms while they were blocking. Although this did not score points, over the rounds, it made their arms numb and essentially useless. Rocky faced criticism over his career for poor foot movement and for taking too many shots: he used weaving, but was often caught coming in. This, however, did not matter because he was able to take the shots. He is now known for having one of the best chins in boxing history, being knocked down just twice in his entire career,both times more to do with poor balancing rather than being dazed